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施云翔艺术展 狄少英艺术展 谭昌镕艺术展 富贵图——张德俊 秋日——杨国平 春兰——马硕山 秋色——金川 鱼乐图——杨阳 清风——游新民 春风——陈运权


时间:2012-07-07 13:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

徐芒耀,中国当代著名油画家。1945年出生,上海人,祖籍浙江侗市崇福镇。1978年考入中国美术学院(原浙江美术学院)油画系研究生班(文革后第一届艺术类研究生),师从王德威与全山石教授。1980年毕业后留油画系任教。油画《开拓幸福路》参加“中国第二届青年美术作品展”,并获银奖。1984年由国家文化部与中国美术学院选派赴法国巴黎国家高等美术学院深造。入皮埃尔.伽洪教授(Prof.Pierre CARRON)工作室研习现代具象油画。1991年11月至1993年1月,以访问学者的身份赴法国,在巴黎国家装饰艺术学院进行学术交流。1998年-2008年?调离中国美术学院,执教于上海师范大学美术学院。任上海师范大学美术学院教授、院长至今。曾在法、美、英、比等国及港澳地区与国内举办个人画展和联展,部分作品被博物馆和收藏家收藏。   Xu MangYao, who was born in 1945 in Shanghai, is a famous contemporary oil painter whose original family home is Chongfu county, Tongxiang city, Zhejiang province. In 1978, he enrolled in graduate class of oil painting department of China Academy of Fine Arts(former Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts), and his teachers were professor Wang DeWei and Quan ShanShi. In 1980, he stayed in oil painting department of China Academy of Fine Arts after graduating. In 1984 he went abroad to French to study in French Paris National Academy of Fine Arts which was sent by National Ministry of Culture and China Academy of Fine Arts. He studied modern oil painting in studio of Professor Pierre Carron. From November, 1991 to January, 1993, he went to Paris to undertake academic exchanges in Paris National Decoration College of the Arts as visiting scholar. From December, 1997 to March, 1998 he undertook academic research activities invited by French CYAL Association. In 1998, he was transformed from China Academy of Fine Arts to work as professor and president in Academy Department of Shanghai Normal University. In 2001, he participate in color research activities invited by Europe Color Association. In August, 2002 he became a member of International Association of Art and secretary-general of Chinese People Association of Art of UNESCO. Mr. Xu MangYao once held individual exhibition and jointly hold an exhibition in foreign countries such as French, America, England, and Belgium, and also in Hong Kong, and Macao, and in our country. Many works are collected by museums and collectors.

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