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施云翔艺术展 狄少英艺术展 谭昌镕艺术展 富贵图——张德俊 秋日——杨国平 春兰——马硕山 秋色——金川 鱼乐图——杨阳 清风——游新民 春风——陈运权


时间:2012-07-07 13:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

姜宏光祖籍山东文登。 曾就读于北京中央美术学院。2002年移民新西兰开始研究西方艺术;喜欢塞尚、毕加索、达比埃斯、勃洛克、蒙德里安、席勒、莫迪利亚尼、高更等名家。2004年进入奥克兰大学艺术系,2007毕业于奥克兰大学艺术系列。


  Jianghongguang was born in Wendeng Shandong, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts inBeijing, where he was also a journalist for the magazine .He likes the style of Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Modigliani, Paul Gauguin, Renoir, Marc Chagall, AntoniTapies, Jackson Pollock, Piet Mondrian and EgonSchiele. In 2007 Hongguang has graduated from the University of Auckland with The Bachelor of Visual Art.
  His works have been published in several books by Beijing Gong-Yi Art and Ren Min Art Publisher as well as in several different well recognized magazines. Since 2004 He was the deputy chairman of New Zealand Chinese Art Association, and the chairman of New Zealand China Culture & Art Exchange Association in 2008. He was named as the honorary Curator Jiang Men Li Tie Fu Art Museum in 2011.
  Hongguang also have been interviewed by CCTV4, New Zealand TV8 and many other media. His paintings were printed on stamps and published by the New Zealand Post and Australia Post. His works have been exhibited in many Chinese and foreign art galleries and collected in many universities and galleries internationally. He has donated many of his work to "protection for animal charity".

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