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施云翔艺术展 狄少英艺术展 谭昌镕艺术展 富贵图——张德俊 秋日——杨国平 春兰——马硕山 秋色——金川 鱼乐图——杨阳 清风——游新民 春风——陈运权


时间:2012-07-07 13:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:

  1988年 硕士研究生毕业于中央美术学院油画系留校任教。
  1993年 俄罗斯艺术考察。
  1994年 日本艺术考察。
  1997年~1998年 法国、英国、德国、意大利等欧洲九国艺术考察。
  2001年以来 多次赴欧洲艺术考察。
  1985年 中国美术馆?《全国青年美术展》
  1987年 上海?《第一届中国油画展》
  1988年 中国美术馆?《中国油画人体艺术大展》
  1989年 中国美术馆?《中国油画年展》?获优秀奖
  1992年 中国美术馆?《20世纪——中国美术作品展》
  1993年 中国美术馆?《中国油画双年展》
  1996年 中国美术馆?《首届中国油画学会展》
  1998年 中国美术馆?《中国百年肖像画展》
  2000年 中国美术馆?《20世纪中国油画展》
  2000年 北京?国际艺苑美术馆《戴士和、丁一林、胡明哲联展》
  2002年 北京、上海、广州?《中国油画学会小型油画巡回展》
  2003年 中国美术馆?《第三届中国油画展》
  2004年 上海?刘海粟美术馆 北京?中央美术学院美术馆
  2005年 中国美术馆?《北京水彩邀请展》
  2005年 中国美术馆?《全国著名企业家肖像画展》
  2006年 中国美术馆?《大河上下》油画学会展
  2007年 中国美术馆?《精神与品格》油画学会展
  2008年 北京.特米斯艺术馆《戴士和、丁一林、李延州油画展》
  2008年 中国美术馆?《中国油画写生作品汇展》
  2009年 南京美术馆?《柬埔寨写生创作展》
  2006~2009年 创作国家重大历史题材大型油画《科学的春天》
  2009~2010年 创作大型油画《飘来的北京》《苍洲镇海吼》
  2011年 中国美术馆?《记念辛亥革命100周年油画作品展》
  《当代素描教程》(与胡明哲合著) 北京工艺美术出版社
  《油画》高等艺术院校国家级重点教材 中国美术学院出版社
  《丁一林画集》 广西美术出版社
  《一幅画》 岭南美术出版社
  《良师画室》——丁一林油画静物 人民美术出版社
  《解构与重构》——绘画构图新概念(与马晓腾合著) 岭南美术出版社
  《造形与形态》(与胡明哲合著) 河北美术出版社
  《丁一林风景写生画集》 天津人民美术出版社
  《中央美术学院第二工作室》丁一林主编 北京大学出版社
  《学院语境----丁一林卷》 中国民族美术出版社
  《中国当代名家精品----丁一林卷》 线装书局
  Artist Resume
  Ding Yilin  
  Born in Nanjing in 1953, living in Beijing.
  Professor of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  Program Director of the Fine Art Grad-School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  Vise President of Fine Arts Research Academy in China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  Member of Chinese artists association.
  Director of Chinese Fine Arts society. 
  1988 Graduated from Postgraduate program of the China Central Academy of Fine Arts
  1993 Tour of the artistic investigation in Russia.
  1994 Tour of the artistic investigation in Japan.
  1997-1998 Tour of the artistic investigation in nine European countries
  Since 2001 Touring around the world for leading Artist Research Programs   
  Important Exhibitions and Projects:
  1985 Art Exhibition of Advancing Chinese Youth.
  1987 The 1st Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition.
  1988 Chinese Nude Art Exhibition.
  1989 "Excellent Prize" at the 1st Chinese Annual Oil Painting Exhibition.
  1992 The 20th Century. China Art Exhibition.
  1993 The Biennial Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition. And The Art Exhibition for the Exchange of Chinese Oil Painting at St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  1996 The 1st Exhibition Held by Chinese Oil Painting Society.
  1998 The Century Exhibition of Portrait in Oil Paintings.
  2000 The 20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition.
  2002 The Small-sized Itinerant Exhibition organized by the Chinese oil painting association.
  2003 The 3rd Session of the Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition.
  2004 The Invitation Exhibition of The White Petroleum Age held both in the Shanghai Liu haisu Art Exhibition and in the Art Exhibition of the Beijing, China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
  2005 The Invitation Exhibition of the Beijing Watercolor Painting.
  2005 The Exhibition of the Nation Wide Distinguished Entrepreneurs Portraits in Oil Paintings.
  2006 The Oil Painting Association Exhibition of the Crossing the Great River.
  2007 The Virtue and Spirit Exhibition by the Chinese oil painting association in National Art Museum of China.
  2008 Dai Shihe, Ding Yilin, Li Yanzhou Oil Painting Exhibition in Themis Arts Gallery in Beijing China.
  2008 Plein Air Works in Chinese Oil Paiting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China.
  2009 Plein Air in Cambodia Exhibition, Nanjing Art Gallery.
  2006~2009 The Spring for Scientists (Large paiting) was created for the National History Project.
  2009~2010 Beijing on River and Roars in Cang Zhou(History Large Painting) was crated for History Museums.
  2011 Oil Painting Exhibition for the Memory of 1911 Revolution in National Art Museum of China.
  A course of study for contemporary sketch
  Oil painting
  Ding yilin works collections
  For the one picture
  The painting room of a delivered master
  Deconstruction and Reconstruction
  Most of his works were exhibited domestically and abroad.
  His most Memorable Paintings are: Young Girl , the series of Standing with Music Instrument , landscapes of Time, Young Rider, Girl Shepherd, Portrait for Artist Guang Jun , the series of Dream ,And watercolor work Plants-Life etc.
  Most of his works are collected by Chinese Artist organizations after exhibitions, such like National Art Museum of China, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing International Artistic Exhibition Center, and Ninbo Art Exhibition Center as well as History Museums and personal sponsors in China and overseas.

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